Friday, November 11, 2005

Denial is a life-skill that I'm really good at. I'm a professional, eh?
(geddy lee, 1981)
Some things, however, will not be denied.
(bonnie raitt, 1989)
I've come to the conclusion that it must be in my DNA....something woven into every cell of my body that I have never been able to shake. It is resistant to denial, medication, repression and it can't be ignored, replaced or cured. I live with this everyday like some sort of disease that I need to keep hidden.
It's true: I'm a rockstar mommy.
The secret is out.
I don't fit in with the PTA or the soccer moms...even though I try. I just stand on the sidelines, scanning the crowd for more of my own. And there are none.
Everything in my life relates to music. Everything.
My kids know music. They rock out to anything; Ozzy, The Beatles, Neil Young, Alice Cooper, Motely Crue, Tom Petty...on and on. They listen to rock, country, pop, rap and metal. They've been to the theatre and know musicals and operas. They all play instruments...and not just because we require them to, but because they really want to. They sing and they dance. They think that guitar amps are end tables and bass cabinets are pretty cool furniture. They use words like "gig", "mike stand", "monitor", "axe" and "rack" in normal conversation.
And it's all my fault. They got it from me.
Denial hasn't worked all these years.
Changing jobs and three majors in college later: I still just want to rock.
Does it help my cause or hurt me that my husband is fully supporting the conversion of our basement into a home studio?
Is it wrong for me to want bright pink hair?
(see kelly osbourn's color, 2002)
Question: Fix up my old volvo OR buy a new effx pedal, re-string my 12 string and buy a mackie mixer? (obviously, the volvo needs a lot of work!)
My Christmas/birthday wish list includes brands like: Roland, Mackie, Gretsch, Taylor and Klipsch. (feel free to send me something. anything)

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