Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Truth--- it can just slap you in the face sometimes:

Those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying theme

(rush- of course)

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Meant to post this on Thanksgiving, so think back to last Thursday........

Thought for the day:

"It's not having what you want,
It's wanting what you've got" (sheryl crow)

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Busy writing papers today, so this is all you get:

Song of the Day: Why? (Tracy Chapman)

Word of the Day: Change


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Artists You Should Know:

Kevin Gordon

I got to know Kevin's music when he was living in Iowa City, playing for Bo Ramsey. Later, he broke off and started "The Rockodiles" and now has a solo career in Nashville.

I was fortunate enough to see Kevin (with Bo, Radislov, Mitch, Steve and Mike) play MANY MANY times at really small clubs throughout central and eastern Iowa in the late 80's/early 90's before he moved to Nashville. His stellar songwriting ability is reason enough to give him a listen, however, it is Kevin's ability to channel Stevie Ray Vaughn (and all other blues guitarists that go before him) and present you with an absolutely ON FIRE live performance that will leave you breathless. In all the times I've seen him play, he just lays everything at your feet and you will swear he is having an out-of-body experience as that music just flies out of his fingers. There is nothing like it anywhere. If you get the chance to MUST!! What a sultry voice...what a guitarist....and he's not bad to look at. Ok, he's pretty hot.

Kevin has several recordings out. His latest, "O, come look at the burning" has got to be his best yet. You can get it on iTunes, along with "Down to the Well"...another great CD. If you want to see everything, you can go to:

All the old stuff is on his web site to buy. Tour dates are also well as an interesting blog that Kevin writes. (wish he would write more..hint, hint) Check him won't be sorry.

If I had to pick one (and I can't)...My top 5 songs by Kevin:

1- Lucy and Andy Drive to Arkansas, 2- Hellcat, 3- Find My Way, 4- Watching the Sun Go Down, 5- Over the Levee

BTW- If anyone is looking for a graduation present for me about this time next can save all your nickles and dimes and get Kevin to play my grad party!!!!

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Today, I am writing a paper on Queen Anne furniture and I have 4 more papers to write by Thursday; Palladian Architecture, Georgian Architecture, Hepplewhite furniture and Sheraton furniture. You see, when I'm not thinking about music (which is pretty much NEVER) I am a student of Interior Architecture, with hopes of going on to a Master's program in architecture in the next year and a half.

I am two paragraphs into this paper and my mind (and mouse) wander off to iTunes and I start cruising for new music that I'd like to do. This is not helping me write my paper.

Right now, I am LOVING "The Body Acoustic" by Cyndi Lauper. I had forgotten how great "Money Changes Everything" is. Got to put that on my 'to do' list. I also downloaded the first Tracy Chapman album...which I only have on vinyl. That album has some really great, but really overlooked songs on it. Forget "Fast Car"...try "Talkin' bout a Revolution" (which is also great when done by In Living Color, but hard to find)...or try "Why" or "Baby Can I Hold You".

I'm also toying with the Sheryl Crow version of "Sweet Child 'o Mine."

As you can see.....This paper is not getting written!!!!!!!

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Song of the day: Set It Off (Audioslave)

Word of the day: Driven

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Question: If I feel 19, look 29 and am actually 38......How old am I really?

Hey, thanks to all those that have emailed me already. Looks like there are more of my kind on this planet than I thought!

Yes. That is actually me with Dweezil Zappa. What a hottie he is!

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Denial is a life-skill that I'm really good at. I'm a professional, eh?
(geddy lee, 1981)
Some things, however, will not be denied.
(bonnie raitt, 1989)
I've come to the conclusion that it must be in my DNA....something woven into every cell of my body that I have never been able to shake. It is resistant to denial, medication, repression and it can't be ignored, replaced or cured. I live with this everyday like some sort of disease that I need to keep hidden.
It's true: I'm a rockstar mommy.
The secret is out.
I don't fit in with the PTA or the soccer moms...even though I try. I just stand on the sidelines, scanning the crowd for more of my own. And there are none.
Everything in my life relates to music. Everything.
My kids know music. They rock out to anything; Ozzy, The Beatles, Neil Young, Alice Cooper, Motely Crue, Tom Petty...on and on. They listen to rock, country, pop, rap and metal. They've been to the theatre and know musicals and operas. They all play instruments...and not just because we require them to, but because they really want to. They sing and they dance. They think that guitar amps are end tables and bass cabinets are pretty cool furniture. They use words like "gig", "mike stand", "monitor", "axe" and "rack" in normal conversation.
And it's all my fault. They got it from me.
Denial hasn't worked all these years.
Changing jobs and three majors in college later: I still just want to rock.
Does it help my cause or hurt me that my husband is fully supporting the conversion of our basement into a home studio?
Is it wrong for me to want bright pink hair?
(see kelly osbourn's color, 2002)
Question: Fix up my old volvo OR buy a new effx pedal, re-string my 12 string and buy a mackie mixer? (obviously, the volvo needs a lot of work!)
My Christmas/birthday wish list includes brands like: Roland, Mackie, Gretsch, Taylor and Klipsch. (feel free to send me something. anything)

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