Friday, September 28, 2007


It seems they're not so bad. The Charlotte Observer reports that it was a full house and the band put on a pretty good show. Early comments by readers seem to report the same thing. You can read that review here.
As it turns out, the rehearsal set list that leaked was the actual song list for the night. Scattered reports around the internet are saying that the sound was "muddy" and hard to listen to. The almost-everyone-is-over-50 band put on a great show, but without all the leaps and jumps of the old days. One fan reported that Dave reminded her of Liberace in costume strutting about the stage. Dave does love to strut his game show host poses and those porcelain veneers!
And a special note about Wofie's debut: There is not one report of any mistakes. Not that we expected him to tank, but he is only 16 and has never played a full show at a venue of this size (he did play select songs during the 2004 tour when he was 13). Even though the rehearsal reports were saying his vocals were "off" and/or too loud in the mix, the fans at last nights show say he was fabulous. Way to go Wolf!

Overall, even with some sound issues, it sounds like the fans are happy to see this reunion. Who wouldn't be? After 22 years, no one ever thought this would happen. If they can keep their egos, anger and addictions in check it may turn out to be a good run.

I'm sure more reports will filter in today....stay tuned.

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